martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Los sueños iluminan mi despertar

Soñé contigo anoche, amigo Pablo, niñito, alegre, esperándome para salir contento. Los sueños contigo iluminan mi despertar. Buenos días.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Death is smaller than I thought

Death is Smaller Than I Thought
Adrian Mitchell

My Mother and Father died some years ago
I loved them very much.
When they died my love for them
Did not vanish or fade away.
It stayed just about the same,
Only a sadder colour.
And I can feel their love for me,
Same as it ever was.

Nowadays, in good times or bad,
I sometimes ask my Mother and Father
To walk beside me or to sit with me
So we can talk together
Or be silent.

They always come to me.
I talk to them and listen to them
And think I hear them talk to me.
It’s very simple –
Nothing to do with spiritualism
Or religion or mumbo jumbo.

It is imaginary.
It is real.
It is love.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009

Do I see you?

Can I ever see the other? Did I ever see you? As the song goes, we never take the time, and then when it's too late, we live on, sorting through memories for clues of what we never noticed or never wanted to notice. We see what we want to see, through a glass darkly, but never is it face to face.

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009

La enfermera me dijo

La enfermera me dijo: tómale la mano y dile todo lo que nunca le dijiste. Lo hice y sigo haciéndolo.

You were always on my mind

Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Willie Nelson

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

the laberynth

He enters into a laberynth, he multiplies the dangers that life brings with it, in any case, not the least of which is that no one can see how and where he loses his way, becomes lonely, and is torn piecemeal by some minotaur of conscience. Supposing one like that comes to grief, this happens so far from the comprehension of men that they neither feel it nor sympathize. And he cannot go back any longer.

Nietzsche. Beyond Good and Evil

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

Las fotos despiertan tantas memorias, que no puedo asimilarlas. También veo en ellas a un nuevo Pablo, un Pablo que todavía no conozco. Intentaré a conocerlo, estudiando las fotos, cotejando las fotos con las memorias, tratando de comprender el misterio de quien eres, mi amigo.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009

mi mundo imaginario

Pablo amigo. Los animales: el poco confiable eddie, el gran gran teddy, kodak, y el terrible faroni (ex dudi). Un mundo imaginario mío pero me acompañaste en mi locura. El día que viniste con la Ana y le dijiste: tengo que pasar a saludar a los animales. Gracias por acompañarme, por entrar en mi mundo imaginario.

sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2009

I had fun with you, Pablo

I had fun with you, Pablo. I enjoyed watching stupid movies and even TV with you. I haven't had fun since nor have I gone to the movies. Your friends told me that you were the person "más burlón" that they had known, that you laughed at everything. I used to be like that myself. No more.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

as always you saw more

Pablo, amigo, What did you see? How did you see us? Did you politely play the game that we proposed? Did you, knowing your fate, act the role that we expected of you, the role of optimistic patient? Did you conform out of politeness to us, out of a desire to please us, as a last act of irony, as an actor to the end? You couldn't let us down, could you? We lied to ourselves, and you were too considerate, too concerned about us to rupture our lies.
As always. As always you saw more.